where is Nairobi in Africa

Where is Nairobi in Africa? Is Nairobi in Africa?

Nairobi is one of the most popular cities in Africa and continues to gain popularity among netizens worldwide.

But where is Nairobi in Africa?

This is a common question to anyone just learning about this vibrant and popular city. I live in Nairobi and have written this detailed article to help you understand Nairobi’s location.

So let’s dive right into it!

Where is Nairobi in Africa?

Nairobi is located in East Africa.

Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya a country located in East Africa. Kenya is one of the most visited countries in East Africa for safaris. Nairobi is crowned the safari capital of the world

To locate Nairobi on the map of Africa, you first have to locate Kenya. On the African map, locate the East African region, easily spotted by locating the Horn of Africa.

Once you’ve located the horn-like part of the map, this is the country Somalia which also looks like number 7. On the lower side of the 7, you will find Kenya.

Somalia borders the North Eastern part of Kenya. Now you’ve established where Kenya is, move towards the central part of the Kenyan map.

Nairobi is located in the south-central part of the Kenyan map. On a map, Nairobi appears closer to the Tanzanian border even though it is hundreds of kilometers away.

To answer the question “Where is Nairobi in Africa”, Nairobi is in the East African part of Africa.

Is Nairobi an African country?

No, Nairobi is not an African country.

Nairobi is a city in Kenya and not a country on its own. It has been the capital city of Kenya since 1963 when Kenya gained its independence from British colonial rule.

Nairobi was founded in 1899 as a rail depot along the Kenya – Uganda railway and soon gained popularity among the British. Its location and favorable climate made it a perfect base for administration.

As mentioned earlier, Nairobi is quite popular and some people learn about it before Kenya. It’s easy to see why someone hearing about Nairobi first would think it’s a country.

To sum it up, Nairobi is not an African country but a city in Kenya located in East Africa.

aerial view of Nairobi

Is Nairobi in Kenya

Yes, Nairobi is in Kenya. It is the capital city of Kenya and has been since 1963.

Nairobi is located in the south-central part of Kenya. A perfect location halfway between Mombasa and Kisumu the two other major cities in Kenya.

Mombasa is an important entry point into East Africa as goods shipped from the East are offloaded here. Kisumu on the other hand, connects you to other East African countries like Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi among others.

Since the Uganda railway built during the colonial period is no longer in use, Nairobi is an important point of transit and trading center.

Why is Nairobi Famous

Nairobi is famous for various reasons. The most popular is, Nairobi is crowned the safari capital of the world.

Each year, thousands of tourists visit Kenya to witness the wildebeest migration at Maasai Mara.

While the great migration attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, Nairobi is crowned the safari capital of the world because of the Nairobi National Park and not Maasai Mara.

Nairobi is the only capital city in the world with a national park located within its boundaries. Nairobi National Park is located only 15 minutes from the city center., making it a great place to start your safari tours in Kenya.

If you have a few days in Kenya, you can still experience a Kenyan safari without breaking the bank or traveling many kilometers from the city.

Here are 5 other reasons why Nairobi is famous.

  1. Nairobi is famous for its beauty, attractions, and vibrant atmosphere.
  2. The city is very influential in Africa. An economic giant in East Africa and a trading hub attracting citizens across the region. Mombasa Port in Kenya is a gateway into East Africa. Nairobi plays an important role in connecting Mombasa to landlocked countries.
  3. Matatu culture: Public transport in Nairobi is an attraction on its own. The vibrant minibusses with graffiti, screens, and entertainment units inside have made Nairobi popular globally.
  4. Giraffe Manor: The popular boutique hotel with giraffes poking their heads into the hotel is located in Nairobi. Anyone who sees the videos online wishes they could spend a night there and experience it firsthand.
  5. Good weather: Nairobi’s weather is very cool and attractive to many tourists. The climate is just right for outdoor activities at an elevation of 1795 m above sea level.

Where is Nairobi in Africa: FAQ

Where is Nairobi found in Africa?

Nairobi is found in the East African region of Africa. Nairobi is a city in Kenya and a popular safari destination in East Africa.

Is Nairobi in Africa?

Yes, Nairobi is in Africa. Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya and the safari capital of the world.

Is Nairobi East or West Africa?

Nairobi is in East Africa not in West Africa. East African countries include Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.

Is Nairobi in North or South Africa?

Nairobi is neither in North nor South Africa, it is in East Africa. North African countries include Egypt, Tunisia, Morrocco, Algeria and Libya. Southern African countries included South Africa, Namibia, and Lesotho.

Is Nairobi in South Africa

No, Nairobi is not in South Africa. Nairobi is in Kenya while South Africa is an independent country located in the southernmost part of Africa.

What county is Nairobi in

Nairobi city is in Nairobi county, one of the 47 counties in Kenya.

Is Nairobi in Kenya

Yes, Nairobi is in Kenya. It is the capital city of Kenya and has been since 1963. Nairobi is also the largest city in Kenya.

Is Nairobi in Nigeria

No, Nairobi is not in Nigeria. Nigeria is an independent country in West Africa while Nairobi is in Kenya, an independent country located in East Africa.

Is Nairobi Kenya in West Africa?

No, Nairobi Kenya is not in West Africa, it is in East Africa.


There you have it, a complete guide to Nairobi’s location in Africa. remember the answer is, that Nairobi is in Kenya in East Africa.

Whether you are planning a trip to Nairobi or simply curious about where Nairobi is in Africa now you know.

Nairobi is a vibrant place with lots of things to see and history to learn.

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