Can you drink tap water in Zanzibar

Can You Drink Tap Water in Zanzibar? (2024)

Wondering whether you can drink tap water in Zanzibar?

You are in the right place, this article is a complete guide to tap water in Zanzibar, is it safe to drink?

Visiting Zanzibar for the first time, then you’ll want to know if you can drink tap water. How much do you need to budget for drinking water? Can you brush your teeth using the tap water? These are all important questions that need answers.

After visiting Zanzibar a couple of times now and looking into the water in Zanzibar, I feel confident answering the question “Can you drink tap water in Zanzibar?”

So let’s dive right in!

Can You Drink Tap Water In Zanzibar?

No, you cannot drink tap water in Zanzibar.

Tourists shouldn’t drink tap water in Zanzibar due to the high risk of contamination. To fully understand why drinking tap water is discouraged, let’s look into the Zanzibar water sources.

Zanzibar Island’s water supply is mainly from groundwater fetched from boreholes and wells. Other sources include surface water from natural reservoirs such as rivers, and desalination along the coastal areas.

While borehole water may seem like a good source, there’s a high contamination risk coming from poor construction and maintenance. Privately owned boreholes found in most guesthouses among other properties are rarely maintained.

Zanzibar Water Authority strives to clean up the water supply across the island. Treating the groundwater using chlorine to help kill harmful microorganisms but this isn’t 100% effective.

Due to the poor infrastructure of the water distribution system, some pathogens may still find their way into the water. Water quality varies greatly across different parts of the island.

Looking into surface water, these sources will likely get contamination from pesticides, herbicides, and industrial waste spillage.

Considering all these factors it’s easy to see why drinking tap water in Zanzibar is discouraged among tourists.

Zanzibar's best bottled water | Drop o Zanzibar

How Clean Is The Water In Zanzibar?

Zanzibar tap water is generally not considered clean for drinking.

Water quality will however vary depending on the location as mentioned above. Tourist areas such as Stone Town, Nungwi, and the resorts and lodges have reliable water supply.

The Zanzibar Water Authority (ZAWA) regularly maintains and treats the water supply in these areas. Meaning it is safer compared to water in rural areas.

ZAWA does regular water testing and treating water in these major towns in Zanzibar. This helps stay on top of matters concerning water. Do keep in mind that contamination can happen from the piping systems.

Even with the treatment efforts, I still wouldn’t feel confident drinking the tap water. However, the water is clean enough for showering.

During my trips to Zanzibar, I’ve not had any skin irritability issues after showering with the water. I’ve stayed in the cheapest guest houses and didn’t experience any issues.

If you have very sensitive skin you may want to avoid the very cheap hotels. Some tourists can get skin irritability if the water is contaminated.

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Can You Drink Bathroom Tap Water In Zanzibar?

No, you can’t drink bathroom tap water in Zanzibar.

Any tap water in Zanzibar is not drinkable, regardless of the room it comes from. Stick to bottled water for drinking.

Bathroom tap water can be used for brushing and cleaning purposes as these pose little to no risk of infection.

If you still don’t feel confident using the bathroom for brushing, I recommend filtering the water first. Buying bottled water for brushing can add to your budget very fast.

Investing in a portable filtration system will save you money while keeping you safe. You can use filtration tablets, filtration straws, or a purification water bottle.

If you just hate the taste of chlorine in your water, a Filtered Water Bottle will come in handy in Zanzibar. Chlorine is heavily used in tap water and can be unpleasant even when brushing your teeth.

I bought a Brita bottle 2 years ago and have loved it for all my travels. When visiting countries with clean tap water like Iceland, this just comes in handy.

Brita Insulated Filtered Water Bottle with a black straw

How Much Is Bottled Water In Zanzibar?

A 1.5-liter bottle costs 1,000 – 1,500 Tanzanian shillings depending on where you buy it. This is equivalent to 0.30 – 0.50 USD.

Bottle water in Zanzibar is very affordable. If staying in one place for a long time or traveling as a group, you can buy bottled water in bulk and save money. A 6-pack of 1.5 liter costs 5,500 TZS which is 2.2 USD.

The Zanzibar sun gets really hot, so if spending most time outside exploring, you’ll need a budget for bottled water.

Most hotels and tour companies do provide bottled water for their guests but you’ll still need to buy some more every day. Bottled water is readily available in Zanzibar, whether visiting the major towns or in a village.

A man's hand holding a water bottle of Drop of Zanzibar drinking water. Zanzibar's best bottled water

Can you drink tap water in Zanzibar: FAQs

Can you drink tap water in Zanzibar?

No, drinking tap water in Zanzibar is not recommended due to the high risks of contamination. If you must drink tap water, take precautions such as boiling, using water purification tablets, filtration straws, or filtration water bottles.

Can I brush my teeth with tap water in Zanzibar?

Yes, you can brush your teeth with tap water in Zanzibar when areas with reliable water supplies such as Stone Town, Paje, and Nungwi. Water in these areas is regularly treated and water systems are maintained.

Is Zanzibar tap water safe to drink?

No, Zanzibar tap water is not safe to drink, especially for foreigners. Stick to bottled water and avoid any waterborne illnesses.

Can I drink tap water in Stone Town?

Stone Town, being a more developed urban area, generally has better water treatment facilities. However, it’s still not recommended to drink tap water as a foreigner.

Is it safe to drink tap water in Tanzania?

No, Tanzania’s tap water is generally not considered safe to drink for tourists. Only drink bottled water which is readily available at very affordable prices.

Final Thoughts: Can you drink tap water in Zanzibar?

Tap water in Zanzibar is not safe to drink only stick to bottled water which is very cheap and readily available.

As for brushing your teeth, the water is generally safe to use but if in doubt use bottled water or filter the water before using it.

There you have it, your complete guide to tap water in Zanzibar.

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